The Church Mobilised- Excelling in Everything

The Church Mobilised- Excelling in Everything

Michael Williamson preaches on the challenging topic of Giving using 2 Corinthians 8-9 and the principles from John Stott's book The Grace of Giving. Through this Bible passage we are given this image of the church in Macedonia who urgently pleaded for the privilege of sharing in service to the Lord. We are a contemporary church are challenged to give proportionate to our means and to give in abundance what the Lord has given to us not just monetarily but in the other gifts God has given. As we as followers of God push against the tide of anxiety caused by the current economic pinch we are encouraged to give to the work of the Gospel and give thanks to God for his indescribable gifts.

Michael Williamson on June 12, 2022 at 12:00 AM - 38 MB MP3 audio file