Over this last week I have been lucky enough to attend 2 SRE Conferences – Our own Woonona/Bulli SRE conference on Saturday 4th Feb, and Youthworks’ SRE conference in Dapto on Tuesday 7th Feb. Both conferences really gave me a renewed energy and enthusiasm to step boldly into our local school communities and share Jesus openly. SRE (Special Religious Education) is a privilege to teach in our local Primary and High schools, and to all our SRE teachers – past, present and future – I praise God for your service and dedication every week of the SRE calendar, it is not easy but it is good.
But not everyone has the time/capacity and bravery to teach SRE despite their deep desire to see Jesus made known in our local community – so today I want to encourage you to step boldly into the world and find a place to volunteer where you can in our community and to be the Salt and Light you were called to be.
Jesus says in Matthew 5 that we are to be Salt and Light in the world – shining Jesus into the world so that the world will see Jesus, turn to Him and be saved. As God’s Holy and dearly loved people we are here in this time to make a difference, to proclaim the Good News about Jesus to a world that longs to know true peace and deep love. Will you let your light shine so that all may see?
Jesus never said to build churches and then never leave – oh no! That would be like lighting a lamp and putting it under a bowl! He said to go and make disciples, and we do this through our many ministries and we are so blessed with an army of gifted, servant hearted legends who so faithfully teach and disciple within our church, but today I also want to highlight and praise God for the many who have also taken up the call to ‘go’ in our own backyard. I’m talking about the soccer coaches, the canteen helpers, the P&C parents, the men's shed tinkers, the surf lifesavers, the Need-a-Feed crew and SOOOOO many more! So whether its in your workplace, amongst family and friends or even in the place you find your chance to volunteer I pray that God will build you up, the Holy Spirit will speak through you and you will shine Jesus so that many will come to faith and be saved! If you pray for an opportunity to share Jesus, you know that God loves to answer prayers, He will do it.
Kat Harris