With our common desire for the Northern Illawarra to know Jesus Christ as Lord, we recognise that our combined part will be played in this, as we continually activate in ministry and mission together as a church family.
To that end, for 2023-2033 our BAC leadership team of Wardens, Parish Council and Staff have established 4 objectives, with follow-on goals, that each aim to help us overflow the grace and love of Jesus to one another, the Northern Illawarra and beyond.
God’s promise of forgiveness and the Holy Spirit extends to the children of believers. Therefore, it is our objective to bring together all age groups in multiple ways, so that the experience and godliness of the mature can be modelled to the young who they mentor.
To foster this objective, our goals are to:
- Embed children and young people in our public congregations.
- Supply age-appropriate groups for discipleship, training, and mission.
- Create entry, transition, exit and training moments that nourish growth through the ages.
- Supply parents & carers, leaders & volunteers with supportive community, training, and prayer.
- Setup intergenerational prayer partners between young and old across the church.
Imagine if: godly mentoring of the young was infectious in our church family, such that the young amongst and around us could grow up in the knowledge and instruction of the Lord. 1 Peter 5:1-7; Titus 2; Ephesians 6:1-4; Mark 10:13-16