Last week, our Parish Council agreed unanimously, to partner with the Anglican Church Growth Corporation / Sustainable Development Group, to begin exploring the detailed feasibility that will enable our much-loved Bulli Anglican Church site to become the local public amenity it once was, as a useful and viable place of public worship, that embraces the historic, present, and future needs of the local community.
The detailed feasibility study will include consideration of some commercial activity on the site so-that the ongoing income from those activities will supply the necessary funds to restore, bring back to prominence and properly maintain all historic features across the site in perpetuity. Most significantly the Memorial Garden and Columbarium and the 141 year old Blackett Church.
The feasibility study will take the best part of 12 months to complete. During that time, it will include all manner of consultation and communication internally with the current church members and externally with local people and statutory bodies.
The work of the coming year will require much prayer for this significant undertaking, so that we can continue serving the people of the Northern Illawarra that all might come to know Jesus Christ as Lord.